DCG Webinars
DCG Speaking Events

Frank Farone
Managing Director
Darling Consulting Group
Frank consults nationwide with CEOs and CFOs of financial institutions to increase earnings through the proactive management of capital, liquidity/funding risk, and interest rate risk. He is a frequent speaker and author on topics such as industry issues and trends, funding solutions, regulatory issues, interest rate risk management, capital management, and derivatives hedging techniques.
Frank was designated a “top-rated” speaker by FMS and is well known for his popular seminar “Turbo Charging Your ALCO Process” having helped thousands of bankers across the country.
Inflation, Stagflation, and Recession Ahead: Balance Sheet Management Strategies for Highly Uncertain Times
Join Darling Consulting Group for breakfast and hear from peer firms at this signature complimentary regional event at the InterContinental Miami.
Rapidly rising rates during Fed tightening, historically low unemployment levels, high inflation and an inverted yield curve combine to make this time truly different. Stagflation seems to be the most logical outcome and if so, the worst of all worlds for financial institutions. Meanwhile, the margin relief from higher rates, a steeper curve, and lowest cost money in a lifetime is quickly coming to an end. 2023 and beyond planning begins now! Forewarned is forearmed for what looks to be a very challenging few years ahead.
In this timely discussion, DCG Managing Director Frank Farone will highlight case studies from over 1,400 annual ALCO meetings to address many of the key questions that are top of mind for financial executives today. To what degree will rates rise and over what time? More importantly, what about the slope of the curve? What have we learned from previous rate cycles, and what strategies should we consider and avoid this time around?
Topics will include:
Managing deposits effectively in a rising rate cycle: DCG will share never-before-seen deposit analyses and forecasting from the Deposits360°® client base for insight to better manage your deposit base
Wholesale funding strategies & derivatives explored
Loan pricing techniques and hold vs. sell decisions made simple
Investment strategies to consider and avoid: pre-investment and leverage opportunities
High performing ALCOs: What separates the best from the rest?
What’s on YOUR mind?
8:00 - 8:45 Complimentary breakfast and registration
8:45 - 10:15 Strategic ALCO discussion
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 12:00 Strategic ALCO discussion
We hope to see you at this complimentary discussion. Parking validation stickers will be available for attendees. Register early – space is limited.

InterContinental Miami
100 Chopin Plaza
Miami, FL 33131
(305) 577-1000