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Balance Sheet Strategies for a Challenging 2021

On Demand Webinar (January 12, 2021)

Joe Kennerson

Managing Director

Darling Consulting Group

Joe is a Managing Director at Darling Consulting Group. In this capacity, he works directly with financial institutions by providing solutions for their asset liability management process in the areas of interest rate risk, liquidity risk management, ALM modeling, regulatory compliance and executive-level education. He is a frequent speaker and author and directly advises clients in all aspects of ALM.

Our industry is facing some of the greatest challenges in our lifetimes. This is not hyperbole. Margins are nearing all-time lows and likely headed lower in 2021 as cash levels are accumulating at a record pace, loan demand is weakening while credit concerns are lingering over us like a dark cloud. How we plan for and respond to these challenges will shape the future of our balance sheets, our earnings and, ultimately, our destiny. We are facing tough decisions, but they are decisions we must face head on today.

Please join Darling Consulting Group and StoneCastle for a webinar titled Balance Sheet Strategies for a Challenging 2021, where Managing Director Joe Kennerson will look to every corner of the balance sheet for strategy ideas to help stave off margin pressure – while closely managing risk profile.

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