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Action Planning for Liquidity Management through Uncertainty & Volatility - For Banks

Frank Farone

Managing Director

Darling Consulting Group

Frank consults nationwide with CEOs and CFOs of financial institutions to increase earnings through the proactive management of capital, liquidity/funding risk, and interest rate risk. He is a frequent speaker and author on topics such as industry issues and trends, funding solutions, regulatory issues, interest rate risk management, capital management, and derivatives hedging techniques.

Frank was designated a “top-rated” speaker by FMS and is well known for his popular seminar “Turbo Charging Your ALCO Process” having helped thousands of bankers across the country.

Jeff Croteau


Darling Consulting Group

Jeff is a Director at Darling Consulting Group, where he assists financial institution executives in strengthening their asset liability management (ALM) process. In this role, he provides custom solutions for managing interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and capital. Jeff is also knowledgeable in the areas of deposit strategies, regulatory compliance, and executive-level education.

Liquidity and risk management are under a microscope like never before in the wake of bank failures and tightening liquidity conditions – with no end in sight. A new era of liquidity management requires a paradigm shift for many, and places a premium on fortifying processes and preparing for what lies ahead.

In this session, DCG Managing Director Frank Farone and Senior Consultant Jeff Croteau will share real examples of how proactive financial institutions develop “best practice” approaches to liquidity management. They will describe recent regulatory feedback and provide action items to enhance liquidity reporting, including: dynamic forecasting, stress testing, early warning indicators, and effective policy development. Additionally, they will highlight considerations for effectively managing a liquidity position in the current environment.

Position your financial institution for success in 2024 and beyond. Tune in to learn more about:

  • The right approach beyond traditional metrics and ratios

  • Managing regulatory pressures and what to expect on your next exam

  • Building the appropriate stress tests and remediation plans

  • Critical elements of an effective Contingency Funding Plan

  • Assessing appropriate levels of wholesale funding and often overlooked alternatives

  • Deposit and loan pricing considerations in the current environment

  • Derivatives for lowering cost of funds

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